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Type Logo

Wednesday, January 10, 2007   1:14 PM

As a graphic artist without formal training, I don't feel that I have a lot of experience in typography. Sure, I know the basic terms, such as serif, tracking, leading, ascender, etc., but I am still an amateur on how to apply these concepts in coherent, artistic ways. But I guess that's what this blog is all about.

DW logoI thought I might start out my exploration of this topic with making a simple type logo with my initials. What is not so simple, however, is the awkwardness of my initials (DW). They don't have a simple, easy solution for coming together. It would have been a simple solution, I think, to make the two letters share a line/curve, and that was my initial idea starting out. But the curve on the D is a little too round to make the W fit in. Before & After has a great overview on dealing with such an issue (and they even use my initials!), but I wanted to try something that didn't rely on color for now to be coherent.

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