Carpe Diem Logo
Sunday, April 29, 2007 5:00 PM
I was thinking about logos for some fictional company titles and came up with this one:
Link of the day:
CSS Hacks and Issues
Labels: Illustrator, Logos, Type
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Bildung Art Submissions Flyer
Monday, April 23, 2007 3:51 PM
Sorry I don't have my own project today. Here's a flyer I made for art submissions for the cover of the Bildung Journal. It may not actually get distribution since the deadline is so close, so ehhh...
I tried to make it simple, yet eyecatching. At first I thought that I might have a paintbrush and some paint stripes running through it, but I figured that it might discourage people who are not painters. I figured that it might be best if I just did something that didn't suggest much of a medium to work with.
It is also probably going to have a few modifications to it. This isn't really a final product.
Link of the day:
Proper Use of Alt and Title Attributes
Labels: Type
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Mountains - WIP
Thursday, April 19, 2007 3:42 PM
I'm trying a watercolor-like composition today. It's not done yet. I'm still trying to figure out how to make the bamboo leaves look brushed in without it being too obvious. Here's how it looks like right now:
Link of the day:
101 Essential Freelancing Resources
Labels: Illustrator
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Final Eagle Grunge
Wednesday, April 18, 2007 3:41 PM
I wish I hadn't gotten Jade Empire... I have taken to playing whenever I'm by myself, ignoring my homework and blog. Blah. It's so hard for me to break away from RPGs. Makes me feel bad for laughing at people who play WoW. Anyhow...
Link of the day:
Beware of XHTML
Labels: Photoshop
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Eagle Grunge - WIP
Saturday, April 14, 2007 11:13 AM
Sorry for my long hiatus... I procrastinated a little too much on my senior thesis and had to write a large bulk of it in the space of three days. Here's my stab at an abstract grunge piece:
It's not really done yet... or at least it doesn't feel like so. I'll probably work on it more later on when I get better and fresher ideas.
Link of the day:
Markup as a Craft
Labels: Photoshop
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Philosophy Club Poster
Sunday, April 08, 2007 6:41 PM
Here's the last (probably) poster I did for an upcoming Philosophy Club event.
Link of the day:
10 Tools to Help You Pick a Web 2.0 Palette
Labels: Type
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Last CV Staff Logo
Friday, April 06, 2007 12:36 AM
Here's the last one. It's due on Monday, and I probably won't have time to work on more.
Link of the day:
What Makes a Great Logo?
Labels: Illustrator
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Lightbulb Photorealistic Montage
Wednesday, April 04, 2007 3:15 PM
I like doing photorealistic montages. They look visually appealing, but unfortunately don't have a sense of abstraction and ambiguity from a more abstract composition. Anyway, it was my project today.
The shadows don't look completely convincing, due mostly to the wall's unidirectional sunlight directed on it. Changing the direction of the shadows would have taken too long.
Link of the day:
Four Ways to Bypass Inertia
Labels: Photoshop
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Web Icons #1
Monday, April 02, 2007 5:04 PM
I was just thinking about little icons that one could use to spice up a web page (or to use as a favicon). These are just some concepts I came up with.
Some of them don't really work. Some of them look OK. The idea is to keep them small and simple without being too abstract.
Link of the day:
Logo Design History
Labels: Web Design
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