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Mini Icons

Monday, January 29, 2007   2:32 PM

I worked a little bit today on an update for the CHSC website (screenshot). It occurred to me that the little icons that I make for the featured updates might be little minor things that most people don't really notice, but it really spices up the page. Besides, I think I spend too much time on it than I need to. Anyway, I thought I might showcase some of my favorite little icons for this entry.

The idea, of course, is to relay some information through the icon while making it eye-catching enough for people to read the headline. Sometimes I make the icons generic enough to warrant re-usage, but there are some (like the Texas one) that are too specific to use again.

For the update today, if you look closely at the screenshot, I made the little crown. It actually took me a while to make it, mostly because I'm still a bit new to Illustrator, but I think it turned out all right in the end.

Link of the day:
The Best of 2006 Logo Trends


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