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Ethereal Water Lily

Friday, January 26, 2007   1:01 AM

Egads, this one took me a lot longer to do than I anticipated. It came out pretty much the way I anticipated, which is good. I was trying to make a ghostly feel to the flower. I think it worked.


Here is the original stock photo I used to make this piece. This piece can also be used as a desktop wallpaper, if you so desire (I have up to 1600x1200 for it, though the actual lily itself is bigger than that).

There's a bit more negative space than I would have liked when I put it in a wallpaper-sized canvas. Perhaps in the future I might think of something to add to it. As it is, however, I'm pooped out, and I need to devote some time to do my homework.

Link of the day:
CSS Printing Guide


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